Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a lightweight, load-bearing, high insulating, robust building material that is manufactured in a wide range of sizes and strengths. AAC blocks are lightweight and are three times lighter than the red bricks AAC blocks.
AAC was developed in 1924 by a Swedish architect who was looking for an alternative building material with wood-like properties – good thermal insulation, solid structure and easy to work with – but without the disadvantage of combustibility, degradation and termite damage.
Exeed Litecrete AAC is commonly used in residential, public and industrial buildings and is used in all types of buildings, from private houses to residential and office buildings.
One of the most creative building materials available is Kamcrete AAC Lightweight Block Chennai Cost effective and energy products.
Resistant to fire
Non combustible flame resistant and fire resistant up to 1600 degrees Celsius Flame resistant from 2 to 6 hours depending on the wall thickness
Thermal Insulation
Thermal insulation Small air pours and thermal block mass provides excellent thermal insulation Reduces building heating and air conditioning costs
Acoustic Insulation
Superior sound absorption quality due to porous block construction Offers sound attenuation of approximately 42 dB (decibels) blocking all sounds and disturbances.
Building Accuracy
Blocks can be cut, drilled, hammered, milled or grooved easily to satisfy individual specifications Available in Custom Sizes Simplifies sanitary or electrical installations such as pipes or ducts that can be built after completion of the main construction.
Light Weight
Three to four times as light as traditional bricks. Therefore, transportation is easier and cheaper. Weighs less than 50 percent of the standard block of concrete masonry. Reduces a building’s overall dead load allowing taller buildings to be built.
Faster Construction
Faster Building Reduces Building Time by 20 percent Different block sizes help reduce the number of joints in wall masonry. Lighter blocks make construction easier and faster.